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Psychiatric and Mental Health - Safe Space Clinic

Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety is a natural reaction to stressful situations. It is part of the body’s “fight or flight” response; when faced with perceived danger, the body enters a state with dilated pupils, heightened senses, quickened pulse, and a flood of adrenaline. This allows us to quickly assess the situation and have a burst of strength or speed to help us get away. Our Psychiatric and Mental Health – Safe Space Clinic will help you recover. 

Anxiety becomes problematic when the body enters this heightened state even when no danger is present. When a person regularly feels disproportionate amounts of nervousness, fear and worry, it could indicate a medical disorder. Those who suffer from anxiety find it difficult or impossible to control their emotional response to triggering stimuli.

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Award-winning Health Care firm that understands patients and caregivers, and provide expert advice, consultation.
Doctor observing a patient at Safe Space Clinic

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